Post-Jam fixes and features

Dev-log Bug Fixes and Features

  • added win conditions and winning panels.
  • added set number of waves 6.
  • tower will now chase coin and enemies(sometimes tower stucks at coin if player interacts with it it unfreezes).
  • coin now interacts with tower.
  • tower now will decrease your collected sum if it catches a coin(tl;dr tower steals coins).
  • added parameters to keep coin int at certain range 0-60+if player gathers all the coins a safe mechanism is placed to protect that.
  • nerfed player's health by 80% since a lot of reports didn't seem to even know that death exists.
  • if player manages to meet all the conditions he will have a chance to close the application through a new button added at the final winning panel
  • coin will still get stuck in roads but now you can use the tower to regenerate it at a new location but at a cost(loosing collected currency).
  • turret will now shoot since the mechanism was bugged and wouldn't show up in build
  • after the kind favor of unity publishing a new beta version of 2020's editor we achieved to add a working webgl player at the page


gmtk2020WindowsBuild.rar 25 MB
Jul 12, 2020
PostJamWinBuild.rar 25 MB
Jul 20, 2020

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